Yahweh = Evolution Of Life

🤔 YHWH =

Tetragrammaton =


Tetra = 4, Grammaton = Letters

Yahweh = Yah = God

Weh = I was, I am, I will be 🥰

God = What is worshiped and sacrificed for


God Is Evolution 🥰 =

Worship Evolution of Life

Silver Plated Turds

It was not my fait to see all wealth as “chosen by some higher power.” Sometimes, a lower power makes a lot hell, and differential, but wealthy. A wealthy man buying his 3rd heart for an implant. Or a rich racer who is heavily into satanism, raping women through astral projection with his satanic young wife, and forcing them to pay for the sexual abuse forced on him by his own extremely famous father, who he never spoke up about. Silver plated turds litter the 1%, and are the catalyst for some extremely wealthy made men to not have their own children inherit their vast fortunes.  

A prostitute in Los Angeles once told me, and some others gathered a riveting story. She told us a story about a man who picked her up and took her to his home in the famed Hollywood Hills. She did her service, and was terrified he tried to murder her afterwards, and made a heart pounding escape. She walked from the Hollywood Hills miles to her own residence, she was so shaken up. I don’t remember if she said she called the police, or not. I believed her story. A few weeks before I was solicited on Hollywood Blvd by a man in a Lexus who was on a popular television show at the time. He was extremely high, and thought I was 14 years old. He asked me. I wasn’t prostituting, and turned him down. I analyzed my own self about not calling the police. I didn’t think they would bother. I was 25 and didn’t think the police would care about a rich white man who tried to solicit a 14 year old for prostitution. Was my thinking a product of my environment?

I often wonder about those men who were NOT R. Kelly and Bill Cosby or Weinstein who re also guilty of rape or bullying women and boys into sex. I noticed the 3 were all darker hued or supposed Jewish. No lighter hued men in all that white Hollywood, though it was definitely a lighter hued man who tried to kill that prostitute, and who tried to solicit me. This isn’t to say there are no darker hued silver plated turds. It is to say that 2 blacks and a supposed Jew went to jail and the “me too” movement was put on the preverbal shelf. The one who catered most to the lightest hued was only in jail 9 months, and I’m sure that was preplanned by his expensive lawyers, and the judge before he went to trial. 

It is a real Jew who won’t sell what we know, or don’t have any churches standing where people have to pay us tithes for our knowledge. This doesn’t mean we can’t have money. We have other talents to profit and get rich from. Though the attacks by the satanic can be disadvantageous if we don’t get that money before the attacks. People who are not actually Jews but assumed Jews seem to be adept at accumulating money, and an attitude about it opposite of a real Jew. Indeed opposite from what they espouse to believe in at times. It is an assumed Jew who seems to profit the most from the porn industry. They also profit the most from Gangster Rap, and Trap music. Wars. Buying up and using Congolese natural resources, and taking the profits back to Israel. I believe people notice, but give them unearned credit, and other leeway instead of saying “that is not Jew like,” at least what most people suppose is Jew-like. 

Yes, I do read the true interpretations of Sacred Text, and the 10 commandments are not interpreted correctly, and are probably not “commandments.” Christianity makes people feel humans are in charge of everything, but on the cosmic cone of advancement, humans are on the lower end. The stars are very much living, and active Consciousnesses, much more advanced than humans. So much more advanced that their  processes give off heat and it is that heat that we perceive in the vast space that is their atmosphere. The Planets are between us. That Kings and Queens were chosen gods, does not mean chosen by some super power beyond space itself. Gods are anything we worship and sacrifice for, and to say that they are chosen mean they are the Gods the people chose to worship and sacrifice for. Egyptians seem to have chosen, but the lighter hued who misinterpret Pharaoh (a sect of time that tell about Egyptian general population,) seemed to think the upheavals and change of royalty was because of incest which caused degeneration. NOT true. Not what they believe of  the Europeans who seemed to inherit the titles to the first born sons, whether he was any good person, or not. Egyptians didn’t seem to be silver plated turds, there are kings we call Popes who have been.

There are those who worship money and oppressors gods, who allow both money and oppressors to choose for them who is good, and who isn’t. Those in poverty are deemed ungood, or unsmart by those who do. They say this as they attend mega churches weekly, and are told a story about a Revolutionary who was so poor he was born in a manger, and went around preaching while poor. They pray to that Revolutionary. Bowed and humble. Say he is their personal savior. I have heard a pastor say that an individual knows a church is blessed by it’s wealth. An obvious contradiction. The Bougie, and the Academics ask how does it free us, then give advice, and try to get their own freedom within, and through connections with a system that oppresses themselves. Speak about easing lighter hued people’s connection with their freedom by speaking the language of patriotism they don’t have. Many African Americans are not patriotic with such valid reasons. They pray to a god that the same oppressors pray to, and deem is good. Why? If the Lion prays to the God that feeds him the zebra, the Zebra should not pray to the same God.

In this social atmosphere, those I know who interpret the sacred text honestly are having a hard time. I only know of 3 of us here now, maybe 4. In such an atmosphere where those who are definitely innocent are struggling, who is profitable?  Who are they? One who said no to blow jobs to get that part? Who didn’t show the director their feet? Commit a horrible crime for their wealth? One’s who don’t show up and perform for those who dismiss honest protest which prove inconvenient to entertainment? Spoke up about the rape, or coercion of the sex act at the time? Who didn’t look the other way, though they knew the boss was a rapist, or a famous boxer? Who said no to the devil? I don’t trust anyone who got rich in this atmosphere without a real struggle with the devil, and I don’t mean that lightly, the devil is ruthless. Honestly evil. Puts people through the fire (spiritual fire.) Some people who were willing to speak against it like MLK and Tupac have been murdered no matter how rich and talented they are, because they found their way into the Arc Of The Covenant, but made agreements to work for the devils, or not speak up about their change in religious fate to reflect what is not oppression. Those who show up and perform any time racist entities, like a famous children’s animation company that starts with D, seem to miss the blatant messages about not being a Revolutionary, and to kill revolutionary efforts are people I know are not woke. Those messages are projected into their, and their children’s minds. People like me seem to be skilled with gorgeous talents but are unwilling to worship the devil are in a preverbal desert because the social atmosphere calls for demonic compromises.  They  are detrimental, and though seem harmless to some, could put us in a terrible fate. Could murder many children and do because satanist would murder or try to murder anyone and lie always about it when they can.

The Africans brought here to the America’s did rebel. So many rebellions that are not taught in school. Any talk of anything except lies, and racist biases were taught in schools I grew up in. I was in “the South” and the daughters of liberty set up the Southern state’s schools. Any efforts to change that set up have been met with outrageous accusations and protest. The people who owned slaves’ descendants I’m sure still have a pretty large influence on American governments. So many inherited a lot of wealth not only from enslavement but those crops and inventions by Africans like liquors and tabasco sauce. I often hear the word elite thrown around and I have been made to innerstand that elite human does NOT mean wealthy. Which makes sense since so much wealth has come from ruthless enslavement of people’s and claiming there inventions and all rights to profit from them, and some of the most devious and sleezy people. People have protested critical race theory because it may dispel the evil spells on darker hued children being taught to celebrate their ancestors oppressors. Columbus Day is a celebration about a terrible man who got lost sailing, landed his ship on a island filled with people, who eventually endured some having their hands cut off for not delivering gold he wanted to pay his own loans. There are holidays for plantation owners, and I have years ago stopped celebrating the lie of Thanksgiving. Lincoln made a speech , he would keep slavery instituted if it meant he could keep the states together. My family never personally celebrated Lincoln, but in school we were told he was an emancipator, and often motioned when there were any lesson’s on slavery in the US. They also mention that he said he would not end slavery if he could keep the U.S. together with it. What of Edgar Hoover who murdered Civil Rights leaders rather than have it leaked he did mannish deeds in gay bathrooms? It was a farce because any video of the former FBI director makes his homosexuality is very evident, and his turdom is legendary.

Many biases are made toward those who take a stand against wealthy countries to advocate for their own. They are made dictators, it seems usually by media of the opposing country only. Their mark left is what they produced before they were betrayed, or how the country struggled after they were overthrown. This is only some cases, though, Africa has been rife with uncertainty for decades because there are those who are only put into power by other countries, who’s own silver plated turds have intended steaks in the use of those countries resources, and not for any fair price. Or any price at all. The Congo is having issues with a home grown SPT it seems who like Lot’s grandson, is the same as his deposed father but he was voted into their presidency none the less. Sometimes it is hard to tell who they are unless you innerstand and read spiritual natures through the eyes of a more advanced conscious being. Money tends to make people look cleaner than they are, and they don’t generally wear the dirt of the dirty places they have been to get the wealth in the first place. Can you honestly spot a drug lord who’s murdered many at a party if you didn’t know who they were? They definitely dwell in some dirty places from time to time, which is the back bone of their enterprises. 

The awfulness of misinterpreted sacred text makes fools of many to those who are awake. Pastors celebrating cold blooded murder, and the sinister (sin) by misinterpreting alchemy in the sacred Grimoires for human beings. It is not the uncompassionate who lead, and vibrate Revolutions. Jesus didn’t murder anyone whether human or spirit, though there may be killing if there have to be a Revolutionary war, which isn’t Jesus unless it’s purpose is descendant of Love. I was in a church yesterday listening to a pastor misinterpret the story of Nebuchadnezzar. He talked about what a great man he felt he was at the same time his brow was dour from the supposed King’s horrible deeds, which he talked about, too. Who are these people? The Bible seems a way for the worst of society to set themselves up for worship as “could be heroes.” Forgiving everyone regardless of what sinister deeds they’ve done doesn’t give the sinister any catalyst to change their ways and there are, frankly, too many turds in power to miss that evidence, and be considered knowledgeable. Moses was not some temperamental murderous saint. And have you ever heard of one? What kind of man takes his son onto a mountain to murder him for some being in the sky? These interpretations are questionable to contradiction. 

 And, what of young SPT’s who are adjacent to power, given such by those made of shit, and produce it by connection and birth? Sometimes, but not always, forgiven for being the product of turd and given to shitty deeds, but so young some people either disbelieve the blatant evidences, or feel as if they would “ruin their lives” if they dare implement justices, not caring of how they have ruined other’s lives? The young wife or twink bought, not trophied (because to win a trophy one must compete,) who is nasty to the domestic service, and drips shit all over the world because they are agreed with no matter how ridiculous they are to anyone else, because his/her rich benefactor gets to play in their private areas if he/she does? These can be a conundrum in other ways, either looking much older because they take on their benefactors habits, and dress, or much younger, because they become versed in child-like behaviors, because their benefactors are pedophiles. They become perpetual children no matter how old they get.- and an eye roll or silent conversation to the rest of us. Wearing their benefactors money like they built the companies themselves, when often times those who actually helped, or built those empires are dead, or disregarded so that they can do that. Sometimes dead on purpose if their benefactor can get away with it. Too many now are burning through our children but in their middle ages. Families who benifit from the association with that persons connection to money will quickly forgive a very rich older turd who couples with their youngsters, but a middle class older mate could break up a family with the absurdity. Who’s honestly the turd then? And they are not always silver plated, they are never plated in gold.


Cast Yourself!

Cast Yourself You Are The Spell

…T Thorne Coyle

“I’m Magic.” When people talk of magic, they of course, have two different thought formulas.  Those two ideas are probably about magicians tricks, or about unexplained  phenomena conjured by saying the right combination of sound and ceremonies that are usually spoken for something personally selfish, self satisfaction, or entertainment. All spells are not language directly ; speech, monsters who guard nobles, tungsten, it’s all to do with spells. Spells aren’t always witchcraft. witchcraft = satanism .     

One form of witch craft is currently conducted in the contracts and constitutions that handcuffs society together they are very arresting.

To amy The satanist…

To Amy The satanist Who Married Another satanist Celebrity And Spent Ten Years Trying To Murder My Son And Me Through demons And Now Forces Me To Feel Her Having Sex With Him Through demonic Forces And Feel She Can Get Away With It Because It Is Through Astral Projection

Yes, I asked your famous boyfriend at the time for a birthday shout to my 10 year old son

We were fans in that time although we were disappointed much because he never won

You were angry about that because he called me and showed up at my house

You were threatened by me because you wanted his money but he wasn’t your spouse

You knew I was extremely talented and pretty so you asked a demon to do your bidding

But… you were so mad you f-cked up and ranted a mistake

…asked that demon to tell me you were a pedoph!le but he wanted to f-ck you anyway

So, now I have visions of you and him having sex with your daughter

I didn’t know anyone could be so dumb, now I’ll make this story internet fodder

You and his family hide behind the KKK and satanic church thinking you were a secret

People need to know the satanic church in NC meet with politicions at your mansion, if it’s a secret you didn’t keep it

MAGA hats were probably your satanic sister in law’s idea

5th degree red satanist hats on all those Christians who voted for a president

…who don’t know they support the satanic church and your family who practice satanic rituals at your residence

What happen to the woman at your house? Is she buried one of those 100 acres?

Did your daughter recover from having her dad having anal sex with her yet, or is her bleeding from that still a secret your working to keep

I don’t want your now husband, I watched him do that and he’s a creep

You made a pact with the devil to kill all the women he ever had sex with

Lucky for Danica she had money and could pay for protection and tell others who would act on her behalf, and he convinced you to hold off on that

I know you still have plans to murder her once you finish the rest of the women off… if you can

You hoped I would be intimidated because you saw me in Charlotte NC having financial issues

…And you are p!ssed because I was forewarned I would be attacked by you, and told you couldn’t carry the tiny tip of plastic wrapped around the shoe strings of my tennis shoes

…And he was right ~ I am NOT b!tch made like you two

Now I have projections of his pig faced sister scowling she is a 5 degree witch

…I don’t worry about her…
because of her evil suggestions to you harm me and try to make me ugly, she won’t reincarnate… so for her this life is it,

…She has no others to come

I called and sent emails to every news outlet, news paper, and internet news source I thought would listen

To research your family and the woman who has probably been reported missing

You dumb b!tch

I Have to listen to you astral project your foreplay, telling him his d!ck is a weapon
And you want to teach me a lesson

His immaturity not withstanding, he’s a r@pist and pedoph!le and is getting hard to deal with

Not sleeping at night because you are projecting yourself in the mansion

Yes, the world let me down, I told people and they didn’t believe it

I sat here being haunted and r@ped

I called FBI and CIA and they didn’t help me to get rid of it

I cried and I was so depressed and I didn’t know any spells

…but the longer I live, and the more knowledge I have, … has helped me and maybe, the murders you committed to call the demons to attack me will be revealed

I don’t live in a society who takes satanism seriously

You are racist and hateful, I felt alone and this fight got hard

I tried to reach out to other w!tches to help but they are all asking for a lot of money

To temporarily get rid of you, so I knew, I couldn’t pay the devil to undo what the devil do

The Being Who’s Speech Is Lightning is all I know to call on

He stopped you from murdering me and my son but it hurt because your harassing me went on


Your husband is b!tch @ss dude who hides behind satanism, racism and cars

He poses with darker hued people in public but they would not like him at all if they knew

…who you all really are

You were mistaken if you thought I would not tell a soul for embarrassment

I am much bolder than you know, you don’t want to fight me so you opt for harassment

I know you both have herpes and you gave the disease to your young daughter

Your husband was terrified he’d get his @ss whooped so he turned to witchcraft to keep people quiet

Now I’m changing letters of curses so social media won’t flag this

…in case your family calls them to pay or use your social status to get them to remove it

Yes, your husband gave me “the time of day” b!tch he called and showed up at my apartment unexpected

You knew I was cute and could sing like an Angel, you didn’t want to be rejected

I don’t want an evil man and a pedoph!le besides, he made his pact with the devil when he married you on t.v. and now your true selves you both hide

I am a prophet and was told 16 years ago before you both were together

A demon who loves pedophil!a would put y’all together…because she knew you both were “birds of a feather”

That demon I don’t like, she lays her eggs in sh!t

She likes p-dophilia because that is furtle soil for her to manifest

I was hurt because I connect with Greater Consciousness who allowed me to be r@ped by you

…but I am daily reminded of the deaths of people and children you have to killed to do what you do

Because to do this you must murder, because to evoke demons to move, you must murder when they choose so they know you are like that being

You, he and Kelly did those murders and now you don’t want me to sing

You paid Karen to take the blame because you are r@cist and we know from history that lighter hued r@cist always use a darker hued boob who is stupid enough to help them to hurt their brother and sisters in color

She was NOT ever my best and to connect with you she had to be kindred with your demons too

To get paid and take the fall, and I hope the IRS is all over her family for helping her launder that sh!t

I am NOT your ordinary person I am a prophet and I Interpret Sacred Text

You were pissed because you couldn’t steal my poetry and pretend it was you

Because revealing Sacred Text and Alchemy, is something of which you don’t have a clue

That dude is so nasty he would to f-ck whatever is the lowest he can find

Would stick his d!ck in a dirty mattress on the side of a dumpster if that b!tch @ss dude could

He thinks he is safe because he inherited money from his dad (the one who was actually great at at his job)

You talk all that sh!t behind satan but I bet your dumb ass is scared fight me

I am NOT intimidated by you and hope this poem becomes click bate

I hope someone in the press finally does a story about his hatred

…Of himself, of darker hued people, about his father who raped him too

I wonder if people knew

If they saw is dad’s statue would they still like him, or boo

He refused to reveal that fact because it was money in the bank, once his dad died

I tried to get this story out to TMZ I am still trying

And his sister is a dumpster fire who gets her kicks from causing my throat to itch, and doing all sorts of racist evil sh!t

This dude is 48 and is so lame with this sh!t

He keeps f-cking children and got caught in his office

I am y hurt because the one who caught him didn’t tell what he did

Their not saying they walked in on him was one of the reasons his pedoph!lia was hid

Until now…

I am not afraid of you and I am connected to someone who is greater than satan

I know this message is blatant enough

Because 10 years attacked by witchcraft is tough

…And you are NOT

You keep petitioning demons to switch our places so I have to feel what you do, and your embarrassment too

I know there are other Beings in this Consciousness who will help me defeat you

I was erasing social media accounts mistakingly thinking

I could block out the demonic energy

…because I thought it was my images that was helping you to hurt me

I researched satanism, magic spells and herbs to help protect me

Because you are made of the devil it was a terrible trip

…but the Greater Consciousness who watch over my son and I told me this distillation from my lips should be done creatively

People who worked for you suspected you were sexual!y abusing your child

I was told early on to call the police to search your house

To go and look around and maybe find the satanic alter you probably hid by now

Did you use that woman he r@ped bones?

All your servants should beware because they work for killers and there were others murdered there

you put 44 in that spell you did… so now every time I see it on the clock

I am reminded of your pig faced menacing looking sister in law and you projecting messages like “I’m a rich wh!te b!tch, I can get away with it” and “wh!te women rock”

I’d be shocked if you don’t hold racist rallies on his property

Away from cameras you are terrified another satanist from the Enquirer will see

And publish another story on your family and the things they try to hide

Because another satanist could read your mind

That noose hung in the garage was probably you and your friends

I wouldn’t watch that on t.v. ever again

You like to pretend you are not racist and your husband gave a lame statement unlike your true selves

Everyone on that track is in danger because you ask satan

to help him win,

…and satan don’t make anyone better at anything

He harms and stifles and murders people that are competition

They should learn about satanism so they and their families can keep safe

From the terrible spells weaved by your sister in law and you and your mate

…And shame on Karen for using witchcraft to harm Tony’s daughter

As if she owes Karen her life for being born, she probably did something terrible to change the child’s fate

Cocaine is eating you up and I know me and my son’s still being alive wasn’t the plan

Shame your husband didn’t pick a wife that could make him a better man

You project your image laughing and bragging about your evil

Your mate is so scared that being caught for pedoph!lia would ruin y’all reputation

Your husbands reputation for being a b!tch and sh!tty driving is safe

…And I am telling you because I know what you think…

… It’s not okay to s-xually abuse your child because you got bling

You are clinging to him because you want to inherit all of his things

His sister will betray him with you if she thinks she can get a share of his money, too

But close as y’all are, she must NOT know you well enough because you would not share

It would be shocking to me if there was enough for his offspring to inherit because you don’t care

You are a true satanist

…and you could care less that he likes to f-ck men, too

He probably shares those men with you

And… his sister is big and stout acting like she has clout

Not knowing your spell to make her ugly has been kept as quiet as a mouse

You stood like a twig with small notches for boobs

…Sponge Bob Square Pants has more @ss than you

You are so lame to use witchcraft to save you from embarrassment or hoping it will make you forget you held down your daughter for you husband,
…and you had oral s-x with her too

Sitting all over your furniture with herpes visitors beware

You all are so unsanitary you don’t even care

You thought you could bully me into keeping quiet about what y’all do

Like when you forced me to have a car accident

Or that your husband chose 88 to show his allegiance to the KKK

…And you were so disappointed at what you produced

You calling your daughter ugly ain’t cute

If she does have some issues that came from you, too

repeating that murdering for satan keeps your marriage together

Letting you believe that it’s what you wanted and that he was so mesmerized by you, that he would do anything you asked of him by the ugly inside you

knowing you too retarded to innerstand a man his age don’t do murder carelessly

Unless he is a murderer already, you see

I mean… his evil sister is part of your crew

Strange fruit don’t fall too far from the tree

…And stop thinking you can give advice because you lay stiff and let a much older man with money take viagra and f-ck you

Now you act like you can tell other people what to do.


…And his sister with her fake prayers, don’t pray for me Boo boo

She bows her head because she looking below to her real god cause satan is not up in anyone’s heaven …and It’s hard to believe that anyone is fooled

I am NOT suicidal and I know you want to hire someone to murder me …and I don’t think I’ll die

…but if something happens to me or my son under suspicious circumstances everyone will know why

I wish you would try to boss up b!tch


Dirty Water

There is no such thing as white supremacy. I refused to put the phrase in quotations because I don’t want to highlight any part of the ideal in the mental orbit of anyone who reads this. Words spell, so I don’t spell that into the Consciousness. How can anyone worship ruthlessness and murder, and not innerstand love but call it supremacy? Is premature death to everything it touches. Poison.

I did happen upon something insightful on a website about how demons gain access. I asked for a birthday shoutout to my son and a satanist, unknown by me at the time, gave the shoutout. Of course I know demons don’t actually need permission like that. The “permission” they speak is itself a binding spell on the person they (demons) attack. If they convince us it is our fault, that we “allow” them to operate the attack is more potent, and harder to be rid of. Demons are much bigger than humans. They have the collective knowledge of everyone they inhabit. They are spirit. The only permission they need is the actual motion and emotional state of the person they inhabit or accost. Having people believe they need permission makes them feel they are responsible. Demons are conscious “being”  and are evoked. People alike them evoke them. Like any beings. They are much more advanced than humans and are in control. They manifest and call or evoke people to act like other spirits. Are symbiotic with those they call, and move with there essences. Those people are projected by demons when they use astral projection, and demon is the portal whenever they are used to send their energy. The channel. My reactions are of my evocation or provoking. Who am I? If my Quran (my actions speaking to the Greater Consciousness) is demon, they probably won’t attack me. What is their incentive? My innocence or my actions that are against evil = ruthlessness. It is as written, when Jesus = the spirit of Revolution says ” Would a demon cast out another demon?” If you are robbing a house and see another robbery across the street do you tell on the other thief? satan is accuser, and that spirit does not have to move on truths because accusations can be lies, it is the fall, not sex or apples. Eve has to shape the material according to its abilities, or she won’t (Lilith), she won’t be able to operate, to build, and can/will destroy the creation. Inventing lies that won’t stand.

The more innocent the person the worse the attack. The less innocent the attacker the more they attack.  The less innocent the attacker, the more demons are evoked vs incentive. Incentive = demonic manifestations (demonic expansion.) Demons manifest where they are, so expansion isn’t done inside the innocent because there are no seeds to cultivate. So the innocent may suffer but not manifest if the serpent eats of itself. The serpent represents something that looks harmless but is very dangerous. 

To perceive the honest sacred text and not the ridiculousness that leads people to oppression that was manifested at the council of Nicaea, is to know and be innocent. Does not involve forgiveness of sin (sinister?). Sinister action is not to be forgiven. If the individual changes there is no reason to forgive.

The reason satanist are so supportive of Christianity is not only to disguise evil. It is also to bind people to forgiveness, forgive the unforgivable so they do sinister action without consequence. This only occurs in human world because the Consciousness that is world and space are many Conscious beings who react to actions. It is also so people worship the death of Jesus =  Revolution. Jesus = revolution as I wrote before. satanist don’t have to change if they are forgiven without having to. What’s the incentive?

While I’m explaining the sacred text: Each of the 12 disciples are a spirit who cultivates revolution. If Africans stayed connected to this knowledge instead of connecting to Christianity, Islam or Catholicism, like those Haitians in the Haitian revolution they would worship the spirits that will free them from oppression. Those spirits that will free them are GODS if they worship and sacrifice for them, and will guide them and be them.

Worshiping the same gods who oppress you is not sane. An individual should always question, debate, reject, analyze etc. anything their oppressors worship. To do anything else is not sane, or to agree with their own oppression. The oppressor’s worship gods who have already agreed that the oppressed are dispensable. Enslavement is death. Reject it.

To get my family to cast off Christianity and embrace my GODS who are compassionate would be the cultivation of heaven.




Someone told me celebrities do the strangest things when the audience isn’t looking
He had a friend CIA who told him about Pizza Gate
Said in front of the cameras they behaved like human beings but in private they did crazy rituals and ceremonies

He didn’t know I was already aquatinted
Talked like Pizza Gate was the edges of his imaginations
But I know that there more they buy with money than children for their s-xual fantasies
They buy satanic attention and demonic interventions too

Some people are mourning children lost who were tormented and didn’t know love in this life because their favorite race car driver sexually abused his daughter violently and wanted to cover it up that the semen and blood dripping from her butt is his
So I stay up in the middle of the night with visions and curses, evoking Lightning ⚡️to save my and my son’s life while his wife projects her life because she knows I’m a fighter and she is a liar, and pedoph!le too
Or a corrupt billionaire didn’t want to go to jail for buying a heart when his gave up and stopped beating

If they are willing they can become the enemy of beauty and grace
Murder children to spiritually switch places with someone else
The more painful the death the more the demons they evoke because demons like pain and shame as it is
…It is something some people are willing to do

You see, the thing about Owls and satanist is they leave the bodies near by
It’s a presidential secret 🤫

I’ve been surrounded by hell but let the serpent eat his own tail so I can tell you
I don’t fear them but some of you should
Some of you are so impressed with Hollywood …you would sell your own souls or look the other way at disgraceful ways, to have a seat at a demonic table
Some people care too much for labels
I don’t trust celebrities these days unless I know they traversed through a fire they don’t inspire me anymore
In the social climate set by satanist to get anywhere one must eat from the devils table or look the other way as other’s feast
Because when the devil is paid he feeds his own house so they quiet as mouses as they creep up the social ladder
…and an obstacle is not the 🔥 fire

Y’all may think I’m crazy as the madd hatter but I do not lie
It is a choice
…that I don’t let Jesus die at the cross
I don’t fear because the Baron hasn’t dug my grave and as long as I’m brave I seem to see through the eyes of ⚡️ Lightning
My power was not found in backing down and living in disharmony
…And while I’m loud I thank that BEING WHO SPEECH IS LIGHTNING ⚡️ and all other beings between me and him who I don’t fear and who move compassionately and save my life and my son’s too
And GORGEOUS SUN if that is you..
PLEASE thank the STARS 🌟 WHO told me who I AM

Some of you have comfort because others are uncomfortable
You go to churches and pay celebrity preachers to tell you that if you say these few words it will all be okay and while you do that there is someone bleeding
They tell you wrong when they say that murderers and thieves are used for greatness …and I don’t innerstand have you ever seen murderous thieves who moved unselfishly?

There is more in this consciousness who is conscious than satan
…so please WAKE UP!!!


Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase… MLK jr

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase… MLK jr

This is for those who don’t believe in satanism. Who believe in a GOD, and casting out demons, but not that there could be a power of that devil whom they believe was “cast out of heaven.” To those who don’t believe the devil has power but do believe in the power of a devil. Who wait on a Jesus to save the world, or a rapture to end it, but in the beautiful SUN whom we see daily speaking knowledge to the world as it does, to grow and maintain all that we see they perceive a ball of fire only. 

Why, do you pray to a supernatural and feel that it is active in all transactions of thought and movement? What is he then? A living Conscious, either capable of both good and evil, or part of a Greater Consciousness capable of good only, but evil be the disease that has to be extricated or eradicated for that being to live? Who do you feel is listening to your prayers? Why? Why do you need prayer for an unconscious world felled with inanimate objects? Or could you be wrong and to who’s advantage do you not believe that everything is animate including demons or a devil?  

This is a living Consciousness. One where devils dwell as well as non devils. All things around us are either evoked or provoked. Can you truly say you can evoke a GOD to move on your behalf, but not a devil? Can you honestly believe the pastor for his evoking a benevolent being to but the stadium for the church but a demonic character can’t evoke another perverse or murderous being to rape or help them to murder for and get away with many? Even if that devil is a sinister side of the same creator? If there are no demons where is all this sin coming from? T not believe in demons is to believe there is no evil in enslavement. In rape. Can you honestly say those who are worshipping, and murdering in the name of satan have no motivation? ~ though evil itself is always their motivation. Researching about satanic attacks is very convincing. When one says they murdering because their master satan told them to, and their was no other choice. When an individual testifies their pact with satan, and murders relentlessly there seems to be some motivation. Yes, there is evil but where does it come from?

Then, there are patterns to murder and mayhem. There are similar stories of people saying they are promised power if they murder. What kind of power? Do you ever wander? Do you ever wander what motivated Alister Crowley? Anton Levay, if his satanic bible can be believed, I still roll my eyes at the satanist who say they only “sacrifice” animals, we have all eaten animals but none of us have gained powers, or had the overwhelming urge to murder because we ate a cow, or buffalo or any other animals? Sure, I have the advantage of a higher being to perceive their lies, but they are still very obvious. What of the man who promises the devil he will murder several women a year? ~and started doing that. The teenager who murdered his sister? ~ because he promised the devil he would murder someone. The man who murdered his own mother and brother on the full moon who’s home was filled with demonic literature? The horror stories of teens emancipated from satanic communities and their testimonies? Are humans so naïve that they deem all these people’s testimonies made up? What about the people those emancipated told their stories to before they were believed? There were probably a few, until they happened to make connection somehow with someone who had some knowledge of there situation. What if for years their other world was filled with non believers, and they didn’t have the help to escape because disbelief helped the perpetrators? How many teens have told on pedophilia in high school and were ignored? I know one personally. 

How could you ignore that their are teens shooting up schools with pentagrams drawn on their hands and notebooks? The occultism of Nazis, and preoccupation with murdering Jews? Jews?! No one else? Yes, children. There are some who come from satanic cults and testify that they have survived when many others have not. The cultivation of babies inside the cult who are murdered in rituals? There are testimonies from both children and adults, do you really feel they all made up the same story? Around the whole world? Why? There are 3 major religions who all are based upon a god and a satan, how is it you believe in any conscious god in those religions, but not a conscious satan? If it is so easy to stop the devil by prayer then why is there many satanist in the church? Coming out of the churches? Quoting scripture but not struck down, or bursting into flames? Some satanic cults grow out of the church in case you didn’t know. What of the people who emancipate from the occult and testify about getting flown all over the world by rich patrons to do very evil things? What are these rich patrons paying so much for?

I know, satanism is an ugly thing to research. It is, I have. I have had the unfortunate issue of satanic attack. To witness what people usually don’t see in their seeming seamless vision of the Earth in front of them made of trees, animals, rocks, water and humans. There is so much more than that. Think of an ant who has antennae for eyes. hey crawl around in a world of gigantic humans they don’t actually see. You ever wonder why an ant would crawl toward you a gigantic anomaly even if there is food there? Would you walk toward a giant you didn’t know if you saw him sitting or standing next to a bowl of cherries? What if you were extremely hungry? No? 

Some Africans lost something very important to the African well being when they traded their  spirituality for the oppressors belief system, which deemed them dispensable and “less than.” They lost connection with beings in their consciousness who would tell them, or protect them from those with demonic demeanors and intensions. That connection was important to their freedom to choose their own lives, it connects with the freedom to act their own wills. 400 hundred years of proof, and some still don’t innerstand, and hold tight to beliefs of people who say forgive every violation and trespass on their natures and persons. Honestly? To believe you should forgive every violation in a colonized society? Who is doing most of the violating? Even by their rules if you don’t move ruthlessly, you don’t have to forgive people who do. It is also that: “by their rules,” because they are rules, that they themselves do NOT follow if you are paying any attention. Why should you follow rules of one you have never made connection with? How is it United States was founded by slave owners, but the descendants of slaves still utter the ridiculousness “fore fathers” as if this was something made for them? Say they believe in any country who’s citizens generally look the other way at the injustices on them? It is because they worship and sacrifice to the same gods of their oppressors. Gods are literally anything that is worshipped and sacrificed for. Anything. Some people worship ruthlessness. Oppressor’s worship ruthlessness if you can agree that enslavement is akin to murder, and it is. 

To cultivate is to practice, “till the soil” as in Genesis, Cain is the tiller of the ground. To cultivate is to till the ground. The more you cultivate the more you become skilled. What you cultivate is what you have in your genetics. Some cultivate evil, some not. Evil is sin = sinister. To harm a child is a very big wave and satanist do harm children often, especially by sexual abuse. It is to cultivate demons who abuse. I’ll explain:

Every being in the Consciousness is living. Each being is evoked by what motivates them and what motivates them is what is like them. For example, I am human and if I want to do something, I’m not going to purposefully do anything that puts obstacles in my way. That is like every other being. It is the scripture of Jesus saying would a devil cast out devils when he was accused of being one. If you were robbing a home and saw someone across the street also robbing a home would you tell on them? We are all made of spiritual natures and it is according to what we cultivate in past lives and what people who birth us cultivate before us. 

In order to create anything you must first make an atmosphere for that creation to exist. Humans don’t create their own atmospheres. We do however react in those atmospheres that exist. Our reactions are the genetics. They are the fat. They are the first fat = Abel. Our reactions to atmosphere is cultivation. That cultivation is written in genetic code. Genetic code cultivate sinister and not sinister = good. 

Spirits are living. They make us and the world we live in. I often send love to the SUN and other stars because they shape our atmosphere and those who have gave us such a beautiful planet to exist on. Thank y’all it is a gorgeous Earth. It may not have had to be, but I don’t mean my thank you with with that kind of cynicism. I mean it because the planet is beautiful. Earth is living and speaks and I adore that it does.

satanist evoke what is in the atmosphere that is evil. Evil exist because we witness murders of innocents happen. Racism = Humans are different hues of man, “race” is a spell that divides a being that performs best if it works together with other like beings. We can see that every race has something different which combines makes it and is reaction and sprit. For instance hair is a receptor, an antennae. Some have straight antennae that is fur and some have curly antennae which is hair. Curly antennae conducts more electricity = vibration and holds more light, straight less but straight have more range of electricity it can pic up, curly hold that electricity longer than straight. 

Spirits are much larger and more advanced than us. They can exist on multiple planets, in stars, and people and have all that collective knowledge to their advantage. They make us up. Each of us made of a variety of spirits to make a whole. The spirits are the prism of our beings which is light beings. People do not control spirits, spirits control people. People who come from a cultivation of demonic will be used by demonic spirits because that is what they are made of.  Alister Crawley spoke exactly this when he said he was as eager to please one master as he was the other, meaning he was eager to please satan. satanic people are that exactly, made of satan and have a want to please that master because evil is what they are made of. They can benefit from doing evil as no one else can, because if you are not made of evil,  doing evil won’t make you comfortable.  

satanist evoke actual living beings who are evil like them to promote and conduct evil acts and schemes. They evoke by cultivation. Demons are different from beings who promote living because they are ruthless. A satanist has to agree with the being they evoke or they will get in that beings way. If they want to murder they murder to cultivate that beings activity on their behalf. If they want to rape, they rape to evoke rape. Having that beings evocation means more power because now they have the resources of that being which means they can murder and rape across the planet. It can project curses.

Curses can be done by chant. If  being chants something it can aid in manifestation. If a being chants something to a person, even without that person being aware that person’s reaction can be detrimental. If that action is not action at all, which is to not move in another direction rather than the direction of the chant. Which means that person is shut down with opposing the chant. Witches operate like that. Witch is the i, as in itch, as in discomfort. It is to project discomfort to get what is wanted by the projector. 

My GODS are GODS that cultivate living. I am today stopping the eating of what I call “flesh food” = cow and other animals because it does not cultivate living and I am usually Fruitarian. This eating flesh food started again earlier this year because I was attacked by satanist and it has given them an advantage. I was so unhappy I was being raped by a spirit that a race car driver and his wife evoked that made me want comfort food. I ate thick food because it was more pleasure sensors activated in my mouth, because I was so unhappy all the time. I gained a lot of weight, and drank to compensate for how much advantage they got because they were able to do some very awful spells. For instance my family is descendant of Comanche tribe, and I was taught in school that Native Americans thanked the animals they killed for being sacrificed. So when they do harm to me by astral projection and get things from demons his wife projects a thank you in the same way that harms me because I ate flesh food today.


?! The gorgeous SUN is a living BEING. That BEING is so large, and is processing so much more than us, or the Earth that it conducts a lot of heat. The stars need that atmosphere to conduct all of their processes, and we need the stars to live in their atmosphere. I know you all have been taught by oppressors that those stars are balls of fire. They are much more advanced and much larger than us. We will not do anything here to the Earth, or them,  or any other planet in our solar system that will destroy them or block them 😙.

The Consciousness is all that is around us, touch us. The Earth is much more advanced than we are, and Conscious. The Stars are much more advanced than the Earth. There are beings living in dimensions all around us. Everything we do is observed. Those who do evil in occult are observed. Those who heal and give knowledge without asking for money are observed. The air and water is conscious. We speak with actions (Quran.) What would ruthlessly destroy here will not likely be invited anywhere else, unless that place is wanted to be ruthlessly destroyed. If you don’t know they are conscious, it might be because they don’t talk to you 🤔. Or, you don’t listen?

4:37 AM

I’m writing this with headphones blasting in my ears. I was asleep and awoke but seconds later I was in a trance state. Two people were about to engage (In intercourse ~it’s strange to write this ) they were in a hurry to take off their clothes and determined I’d feel everything they were doing. I panicked but it was like sleep paralysis. I felt like I could feel my mind yelling and trying to wake up. Like I heard the sound. Like I was wrestling with what being was pinning me down and projecting for help. I suddenly felt I need to use the bathroom and after a few moments I woke up. I’m so relieved but there is no way I’m going back to sleep soon.

I saw them. There actual images. Scrawny lighter hued cocaine filled bodies trying to take off their clothes and sleep rape me. My eyes hurt because I’m sleepy but anxiety is forcing them awake against all the rim of my eye sockets. I’m awake now, so I might as well get some work done.

4:02 AM

It’s a whole other level of weird getting up at night. satanist operate in darkness. Witching hours are a test of sanity. AE’s head seems to burst through my face. The nature of the insults are unoriginal and specific. “You’re not that talented!” “You’re ugly” I feel like as I write this anyone who knows them will at least feel it’s possible these people could do these things. “You’re not (his occupation) material!” Today he’s bursting through, too. I posted a short on YouTube (I don’t know if I can legally mention the site on this one.) If I hadn’t grown up with my own phenomena of perceiving ancestors, this may be impossible to bear, and maybe less possible to speak about. If I had to be introduced to it and introduce other’s simultaneously? The phrases “sweetie “ and “motherfucker!” in southern drawl and his sister twisted fat face are an echo, because she is often present instead of him. AE threatened my niece today. Said she did not want her to grow up beautiful. She wields an ugly spirit as a weapon. This started me chanting.

I did receive one comment on my shirt after hundreds of views. It was a troll. It was the wording of the comment. I rolled my eyes at the way he wrote “and it probably didn’t happen.” If you read it it speaks for itself.

I did happen upon something insightful on a website about how the may have gained access, I asked for a birthday shoutout to my son and he did the shoutout. Of course I know demons don’t actually need permission like that. The “permission “ they say is a binding spell on the person they attack (demons.) If they convince us we allow them to operate the attack is more potent. Demons are much bigger than humans. They have the collective knowledge of everyone they inhabit. They are spirit. The only permission they need is the actual emotion and emotional state of the person they inhabit or accost. Having people believe they need permission makes them feel they are responsible. I don’t use the word ugly at all, and not because I have been attacked. Demons are conscious and are evoked. People alike them evoke them. Like any beings. They are much more advanced than a single human and are in control. They manifest and call like other spirits. Are symbiotic with those they call and move with there essences. They are projected by demon and demon is the portal. The channel. My reactions are of my evocation. Who am I? If my Quran is demon they probably won’t attack me. What is their incentive? If you rob a house and see another robbery do you tell on the other thief? satan is accuser, and that spirit does not have to move on truths because accusations can be lies, it is the fall, not sex or apples. Eve has to shape the material according to its abilities or she won’t be able to operate, to build, and can/will destroy the creation. Inventing lies that won’t stand.

The more innocent the person the worse the attack. The less innocent the attacker the more they attack. The less innocent the attacker, the more demons are evoked vs incentive. Incentive = demonic manifestations (demonic expansion.) Demons manifest where they are, so expansion isn’t done inside the innocent because there are no seeds to cultivate. So the innocent may suffer but not manifest if the serpent eats of itself.

To perceive the honest sacred text and not the ridiculousness that leads people to oppression that was manifested at the council of Nicaea is to know innocents. Does not involve forgiveness of sin (sinister?). Sinister is not to be forgiven. If the individual changes there is no reason to forgive.

The reason satanist are so supportive of Christianity is not only to disguise evil. It is also to bind people to forgiveness and so they worship the death of Jesus = revolution. Jesus = revolution. satanist don’t have to change if they are forgiven without having to. What’s the incentive?

While I’m explaining the sacred text: Each of the 12 disciples are a spirit who cultivates revolution. If Africans stayed connected to this knowledge instead of connecting to Christianity, Islam or Catholicism, like those Haitians in the Haitian revolution they would worship the spirits that will free them from oppression. Those spirits that will free them are GODS if they worship and sacrifice for them and will guide them and be them.

Worshiping the same gods who oppress you is not sane. An individual should always question, debate, reject, analyze etc. anything their oppressors worship. To do anything else is not sane or to agree with their own oppression. The oppressor’s worship gods who have already agreed that the oppressed are dispensable. Enslavement is death. Reject it.