Faith is taking the first step…

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase… MLK jr

This is for those who don’t believe in satanism. Who believe in a GOD, and casting out demons, but not that there could be a power of that devil whom they believe was “cast out of heaven.” To those who don’t believe the demons have power, but do believe in the power of a devil. Who wait on a Jesus to save the world, or a rapture to end it, but not in the worship of the beautiful SUN whom we see daily speaking knowledge to the world as it does, to grow and maintain all that we see, for whom they perceive a ball of fire only.

Why, do you pray to a supernatural, and feel that it is active in all transactions of thought and movement? What is he then? A living Conscious, either capable of both good and evil, or part of a Greater Consciousness capable of good only, but evil be the disease that has to be extricated, or eradicated for us to live? Who do you feel is listening to your prayers? Why? Why do you need prayer for an unconscious world filled with i animated objects? Or could you be wrong? To who’s advantage do you NOT believe that everything is animate including demons or a devil?

This is a living Consciousness. One where devils dwell as well as non devils. All things around us are either evoked or provoked. Can you truly say you can evoke a GOD to move on your behalf, but not a devil? Can you honestly believe the pastor for his evoking a benevolent being to support the stadium for the church but a demonic person can’t evoke another perverse or murderous being to rape, or help them to murder, and get away with many? What if that devil is a sinister side of the same creator? If there are no demons where is all this sin coming from? To not believe in demons is to believe there is no evil in enslavement. In rape. Can you honestly say those who are worshipping, and murdering in the name of satan have no motivation? ~ though evil itself is always their motivation. Researching about satanic attacks is very convincing. When one says they are murdering because their master satan told them to, and their was no other choice. When an individual testifies their pact with satan, and murders relentlessly, there seems to be some motivation. Yes, there is evil but where does it come from?

Then, there are patterns to murder and mayhem. There are similar stories of people saying they are promised power if they murder. What kind of power? Do you ever wonder? Do you ever wonder what motivated Alister Crowley? Anton Levay, if his satanic bible can be believed, I still roll my eyes at the satanist who say they only “sacrifice” animals, we have all eaten animals but none of us have gained powers, or had the overwhelming urge to murder because we ate a cow, or buffalo or any other animals? Sure, I have the advantage of a higher being to perceive their lies, but they are still very obvious. What of the man who promises the devil he will murder several women a year? ~and started doing that. The teenager who murdered his sister? ~ because he promised the devil he would murder someone. The man who murdered his own mother and brother on the full moon who’s home was filled with demonic literature? The horror stories of teens emancipated from satanic communities and their testimonies? Are humans so naïve that they deem all these people’s testimonies made up? What about the people those emancipated told their stories to before they were believed? There were probably a few, until they happened to make connection somehow with someone who had some knowledge of there situation. What if for years their other world was filled with non believers, and they didn’t have the help to escape because disbelief helped the perpetrators? How many teens have told on pedophilia in high school and were ignored? I know one personally.

How could you ignore that their are teens shooting up schools with pentagrams drawn on their hands and notebooks? The occultism of Nazis, and preoccupation with murdering Jews? Jews?! No one else? Yes, children. There are some who come from satanic cults and testify that they have survived when many others have not. The cultivation of babies inside the cult who are murdered in rituals? There are testimonies from both children and adults, do you really feel they all made up the same story? Around the whole world? Why? There are 3 major religions who all are based upon a god and a satan, how is it you believe in any conscious god in those religions, but not a conscious satan? If it is so easy to stop the devil by prayer then why is there many satanist in the church? Coming out of the churches? Quoting scripture but not struck down, or bursting into flames? Some satanic cults grow out of the church in case you didn’t know. What of the people who emancipate from the occult and testify about getting flown all over the world by rich patrons to do very evil things? What are these rich patrons paying so much for?

I know, satanism is an ugly thing to research. It is, I have. I have had the unfortunate issue of satanic attack. To witness what people usually don’t see in their seeming seamless vision of the Earth in front of them made of trees, animals, rocks, water and humans. There is so much more than that. Think of an ant who has antennae for eyes. hey crawl around in a world of gigantic humans they don’t actually see. You ever wonder why an ant would crawl toward you a gigantic anomaly even if there is food there? Would you walk toward a giant you didn’t know if you saw him sitting or standing next to a bowl of cherries? What if you were extremely hungry? No?

Some Africans lost something very important to the African well being when they traded their spirituality for the oppressors belief system, which deemed them dispensable and “less than.” They lost connection with beings in their consciousness who would tell them, or protect them from those with demonic demeanors and intensions. That connection was important to their freedom to choose their own lives, it connects with the freedom to act their own wills. 400 hundred years of proof, and some still don’t innerstand, and hold tight to beliefs of people who say forgive every violation and trespass on their natures and persons. Honestly? To believe you should forgive every violation in a colonized society? Who is doing most of the violating? Even by their rules if you don’t move ruthlessly, you don’t have to forgive people who do. It is also that: “by their rules,” because they are rules, that they themselves do NOT follow if you are paying any attention. Why should you follow rules of one you have never made connection with? How is it United States was founded by slave owners, but the descendants of slaves still utter the ridiculousness “fore fathers” as if this was something made for them? Say they believe in any country who’s citizens generally look the other way at the injustices on them? It is because they worship and sacrifice to the same gods of their oppressors. Gods are literally anything that is worshipped and sacrificed for. Anything. Some people worship ruthlessness. Oppressor’s worship ruthlessness if you can agree that enslavement is akin to murder, and it is.

To cultivate is to practice, “till the soil” as in Genesis, Cain is the tiller of the ground. To cultivate is to till the ground. The more you cultivate the more you become skilled. What you cultivate is what you have in your genetics. Some cultivate evil, some not. Evil is sin = sinister. To harm a child is a very big wave and satanist do harm children often, especially by sexual abuse. It is to cultivate demons who abuse. I’ll explain:

Every being in the Consciousness is living. Each being is evoked by what motivates them and what motivates them is what is like them. For example, I am human and if I want to do something, I’m not going to purposefully do anything that puts obstacles in my way. That is like every other being. It is the scripture of Jesus saying would a devil cast out devils when he was accused of being one. If you were robbing a home and saw someone across the street also robbing a home would you tell on them? We are all made of spiritual natures and it is according to what we cultivate in past lives and what people who birth us cultivate before us.

In order to create anything you must first make an atmosphere for that creation to exist. Humans don’t create their own atmospheres. We do however react in those atmospheres that exist. Our reactions are the genetics. They are the fat. They are the first fat = Abel. Our reactions to atmosphere is cultivation. That cultivation is written in genetic code. Genetic code cultivate sinister and not sinister = good.

Spirits are living. They make us and the world we live in. I often send love to the SUN and other stars because they shape our atmosphere and those who have gave us such a beautiful planet to exist on. Thank y’all it is a gorgeous Earth. It may not have had to be, but I don’t mean my thank you with with that kind of cynicism. I mean it because the planet is beautiful. Earth is living and speaks and I adore that it does.

satanist evoke what is in the atmosphere that is evil. Evil exist because we witness murders of innocents happen. Racism = Humans are different hues of man, “race” is a spell that divides a being that performs best if it works together with other like beings. We can see that every race has something different which combines makes it and is reaction and sprit. For instance hair is a receptor, an antennae. Some have straight antennae that is fur and some have curly antennae which is hair. Curly antennae conducts more electricity = vibration and holds more light, straight less but straight have more range of electricity it can pic up, curly hold that electricity longer than straight.

Spirits are much larger and more advanced than us. They can exist on multiple planets, in stars, and people and have all that collective knowledge to their advantage. They make us up. Each of us made of a variety of spirits to make a whole. The spirits are the prism of our beings which is light beings. People do not control spirits, spirits control people. People who come from a cultivation of demonic will be used by demonic spirits because that is what they are made of. Alister Crawley spoke exactly this when he said he was as eager to please one master as he was the other, meaning he was eager to please satan. satanic people are that exactly, made of satan and have a want to please that master because evil is what they are made of. They can benefit from doing evil as no one else can, because if you are not made of evil, doing evil won’t make you comfortable.

satanist evoke actual living beings who are evil like them to promote and conduct evil acts and schemes. They evoke by cultivation. Demons are different from beings who promote living because they are ruthless. A satanist has to agree with the being they evoke or they will get in that beings way. If they want to murder they murder to cultivate that beings activity on their behalf. If they want to rape, they rape to evoke rape. Having that beings evocation means more power because now they have the resources of that being which means they can murder and rape across the planet. It can project curses.

Curses can be done by chant. If being chants something it can aid in manifestation. If a being chants something to a person, even without that person being aware that person’s reaction can be detrimental. If that action is not action at all, which is to not move in another direction rather than the direction of the chant. Which means that person is shut down and not opposing the chant. Witches operate like that. Witch is the i, as in itch, as in discomfort. It is to project discomfort to get what is wanted by the projector.

My GODS are GODS that cultivate living. I am today stopping the eating of what I call “flesh food” = cow and other animals because it does not cultivate living and I am usually Fruitarian. This eating flesh food started again earlier this year because I was attacked by satanist and it has given them an advantage. I was so unhappy I was being raped by a spirit that a race car driver and his wife evoked that made me want comfort food. I ate thick food because it was more pleasure sensors activated in my mouth, because I was so unhappy all the time. I gained a lot of weight, and drank to compensate for how much advantage they got because they were able to do some very awful spells. For instance my family is descendant of Comanche tribe, and I was taught in school that Native Americans thanked the animals they killed for being sacrificed. So when they do harm to me by astral projection and get things from demons his wife projects a thank you in the same way that harms me because I ate flesh food today. It’s something I am resolved to stop for the rest of this life. To tell the truth as I ate I don’t know if it’s NEVER okay but I do know it is a step towards living and cultivation of that so I will end the flesh food eating.


Shango I am grateful to you! For you I have much love and adoration!

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